Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC)

The Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC) is a regional centre in Northern Ireland dedicated to driving innovation in medicines use through research, innovation, quality improvement and knowledge transfer. MOIC seeks to contribute to the success of the Northern Ireland economy through the development, testing, scale and spread of medicines optimisation expertise and technologies across the world. Northern Ireland is now recognised as one of the leading regions in Europe in addressing the health and social care needs of the older population through innovation in medicines optimisation.

Patient Focus

With a strong patient focus, MOIC is dedicated to driving innovation in medicines use and works towards better patient outcomes by initiating, developing and sharing best practice through research, innovation, quality improvement and knowledge transfer.

Partnership, collaboration, engagement

MOIC seeks new solutions to address gaps in best practice which are developed and tested prior to commissioning for scale-up and implementation regionally. Utilizing the ‘quadruple helix’, MOIC collaborates across civil society, academia, healthcare and industry and establishes commercial and non-commercial partnerships.
MOIC has established partnerships with organisations globally:

  • World Health Organisation: MOIC contributed to the 3rd Global Patient Safety Challenge: Medication Without Harm and partnered in the ‘Strengthening of Pharmaceutical Systems and Improving Access to Quality Essential Medicines in Africa’ programme final evaluation;
  • European Connected Health Alliance: The Alliance is a MOIC partner and MOIC chairs the International Medicines Optimisation Working Group;
  • SIMPATHY Consortium: MOIC was a partner in the Stimulating Innovation Management of Polypharmacy and Adherence in the Elderly project: Innovation for appropriate polypharmacy in the elderly.

MOIC key themes:

1. Focus on the needs of the Northern Ireland population
2. Accelerate the adoption of innovation into practice to improve clinical outcomes and patient experience
3. Build a culture of partnership and collaboration
4. Make a meaningful contribution to the Northern Ireland economy.

Research links

Committed to healthcare research, MOIC has established links with researchers and organisations in Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Ireland, England, Scotland, Spain, Denmark. Research areas include medicines optimisation, antimicrobial stewardship, case management.


Projects are undertaken across a range of areas including healthcare acquired infection, point of care testing, data analytics, post discharge follow up of patients at high risk of hospital readmission, mental health, out of hours supply, benzodiazepine use, practice based pharmacists, community pharmacy and the systematic testing and scaling of a medicines optimisation model in nursing/residential care homes and intermediate care settings.

Global knowledge transfer

MOIC has developed enabling technologies in partnership with commercial companies relating to antimicrobial surveillance (LAMPS), medicines reconciliation (Writemed), clinical interventions (EPICS) and product selection (STEPSelect). Collaborations have been established under the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Health Ageing (EIP-AHA) Twinning partnerships with Catalonia, Czech Republic and England and collaborations are ongoing in Poland, Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and Armenia.

Hosting and sharing experience

MOIC provides training and development opportunities for healthcare professionals to visit NI to learn more about medicines optimisation and enabling technologies. Three bespoke programmes are offered lasting from 1-3 days to 3-4 months and a project can be undertaken. Visitors come from Ireland, UK, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands (Sittard exchange programme), Poland, Norway, Egypt, Australia, China and Spain (a Memorandum of Understanding exists with the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacists).


Northern Ireland has been recognised as one of the leading regions in Europe in addressing the health and social care needs of the older population through innovation in medicines management and was awarded ‘4 star’ reference site status with the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing.