• Pharmacists in the ward team – Success in Surgery
  • Ms Kamila Urbańczyk
    Pharmacist, The Regional Specialist Hospital in Wroclaw Research and Development Centre

    The successful integration of a pharmacist in the surgical ward team will be described and the experience in vascular surgery shared. Important issues will be considered including: How can the pharmacist become a ward team member? How can a new clinical pharmacy service be established? What does the pharmacist need to know about surgery?

  • STEPSelect in Gdansk – a novel approach to medicine selection
  • Dr Teresa Frąckowiak
    Department of Biopharmacy and Pharmacodynamics, Medical University of Gdańsk
    Dr Frans van Andel
    Lead for Internationalisation, Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre
    Ms Anita Hogg
    Lead for Pharmaceutical Clinical Effectiveness (Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre) and
    Principal Pharmacist (Northern Health and Social Care Trust)

    The STEPSelect medicine selection system and associated technology will be showcased in this session and the STEPSelect pilot project for the selection of Low Molecular Weight Heparins in Medical University of Gdańsk will be presented.

  • Enabling technology (LAMPS, Writemed, EPICS)
  • Ms Stephanie Tohill
    Senior Clinical eHealth Pharmacist, Northern Health and Social Care Trust

    Technology is an important enabler in clinical pharmacy and medicines optimisation. Three technologies developed in Northern Ireland will be showcased in this session. The technologies relate to: Antimicrobial stewardship (LAMPS), medicines reconciliation (Writemed) and clinical pharmacist interventions (EPICs).

  • Do we need pharmacist consultations on the hospital ward?
  • Mr Łukasz Hońdo
    John Paul II Specialist Hospital in Krakow

    Clinical ward is a place where all healthcare professionals are making their best efforts to deliver safe and appropriate therapy to the patient. In complicated cases multidyscyplinary approach is necessary. In this interprofessional team, clinical pharmacist can play an important role. Clinical cases of patients will be analysed during the workshop.

  • Pharmacists in the ward team – hard beginnings
  • Mr Adrian Bryła
    Pharmacist, Ludwik Rydygier Specialist Hospital in Krakow

    Pharmaceutical care, medicines optimisation, drug interactions – all these terms are often used during pharmacist education. How to deal with challenges experienced while moving from dispensary to hospital ward? All the practical aspects will be a part of this workshop.